There are a few questions that come up when you’re preparing for your boudoir session. So, here are the 5 tips I give to every client leading up to their boudoir session.
1. Bring lots of outfits
We usually do about three outfits during the session. But I always suggest that you bring 5-8 outfits to choose from. Often times you might like a certain outfit before you com to your session. But come the day of you might not be feeling that outfit when you arrive. This means if you only bring three outfit and end up not liking one your down to only two. So, if you bring more than we’ll use that helps to make sure we pick the three best outfits for you.
2. Nerves are normal
No matter how prepared you are for your session, you’re still going to be nervous when you come in. This is normal. I know from personal experience that nerves before a session are totally a thing. Being nervous though is fine. Don’t let it scare you off from doing something that will change your life and make you feel amazing about who you are. Embrace these nerves and let them lead you to one of most empowering
3. Come prepared to love all your images
You are going to love the way you look. This in return means you are going to love all the images from you session. So make sure you’re prepared to invest in yourself and purchase the images you love. You’re not going to want to leave without them. Having your images printed in an album, or box or hanging on your wall is a great reminder of your empowerment. It’s a great way to show off to yourself that you’re strong and beautiful.
4. Don’t let numbers scare you off
The investment in boudoir isn’t small. But if you ask any woman who has done this she’ll tell you it’s well worth it. The investment in yourself to get your images is so important to continue building your self confidence and remembering your empowerment. Don’t let any investment scare you off because I personally have built payment plans specifically for this reason so every woman has the chance to get the photos she loves and deserves.
5. Do this fully for yourself
You do not have to have a significant other to do a session. The point of boudoir is to do this for yourself. If you’re single this makes it even more fun to do this for yourself and to start really loving the woman you are while on your own. But hey, if you’re in a relationship it’s totally a great thing to be able to show off these awesome photos to your loved one as well. But remember this is all about you. Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t do this if you really want to. And don’t just do this because your significant other thinks you should. This is about you girl!
There you have it. The 5 tips I give to every client to help them to prepare for their boudoir session. Every session is unique and tailored to you but these few things are what can help every client getting ready for their session and love it.
If you want to see more and be a part of a great group, come join my women’s only Facebook Group Here and see what it’s like to do a session for yourself. If you’re ready to book a boudoir session or want to get more information Click Here to contact me. Also head to the Home Page to see more and learn more about boudoir.

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