One of the misconceptions about boudoir is that you have to be naked. This is far from true. Many women think “Eeeek! Do I have to get naked for my boudoir shoot?” And the answer is no. Here’s some things to know about boudoir, getting naked and outfits.
You can get naked
Here’s the thing, if you want to do topless photos or I pod nude photos you absolutely can. These photos can lead you to really love yourself. It brings out a huge confidence in a woman to be vulnerable enough to see herself as truly beautiful when naked. So doing this in a boudoir session is a very powerful thing to do.
You do NOT have to get naked
There is no obligation to ever be naked in anyway during your boudoir session. It is perceived that boudoir is all about sex and being naked. But that is far from the truth. Boudoir is about self confidence, empowerment, and showing women how deserving and worthy they are of everything in their lives.
How you look is up to you
Us photographers are here to guide you, god you tips and pointers along the way. But your end look and outfits are fully up to you. You have the choice to wear jeans and a t-shirt or a dress and do more of a glamour session. Or you an go all out with the lingerie and be sultry and try something new. And then of course if you want to try a little hide or implied nude look you can absolutely do that. Again it’s all up to you and what you want.
Remember, if you have the question, “do I have to get naked for my boudoir shoot?”, this is something that is completely up to you. If you don’t want to then no, let’s glam you up and make this the best glamour session yet.
If you want to see more and be a part of a great group, come join my women’s only Facebook Group Here and see what it’s like to do a session for yourself. If you’re ready to book a boudoir session or want to get more information Click Here to contact me. Also head to the Home Page to see more and learn more about boudoir.

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