Ladies, let’s start off with I am not a cheap photographer.
Now I know what you’re thinking.. How brave is she for even stating that! Most would be afraid to say this out loud let alone think it. But I want to be up front, truthful and transparent with you. I am not cheap. But that also means you are not going to get a cheap experience with us. Boudoir is not a cheap investment. But neither are you.
When you invest in this experience you are really saying yes to yourself and you can see the value in investing in yourself. From this experience you are going to gain long term confidence which comes from pampering yourself. I mean yes, when you choose to do a session and invest in this, you aren’t just getting pretty photos of yourself. Though I will admit that is a seriously awesome bonus. You are also getting so much more than that. What we offer here is priceless and completely life changing. This experience will not only uplift you but it will shift your whole perspective on yourself. And who doesn’t want that!
Coming to do a boudoir session session can be like therapy. To others it can be full on self care and to others it’s a mindset shift on what you have been thinking about yourself for years. It’s also a shift from those negative thoughts to having positive self loving thoughts to love all of who you are.
Now that I’ve established the value of what I do, let’s chat about how to get it done! The best next step is inquire by Clicking Here. Fill out our form and then we will be in touch to get you set up with a free consultation to talk about the process of a session and answer all the questions you will have.
Still concerned about investing in yourself? Read our Blog Here about investing in yourself and why it’s important. Boudoir is not a cheap investment. But neither are you.
We have an amazing group of women for you to be part of and if you want to see more, come join my women’s only Facebook Group Here and see what it’s like to do a session for yourself. If you’re ready to book a boudoir session or want to get more information Click Here to contact me. Also head to the Home Page to see more and learn more about boudoir. If you’re also concerned about printing your images head to our blog about why it’s important to print your images: .

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