My weight has always been something that I struggle with. On top of that food has always been a struggle for me as well. On top of having food sensitivities and lots of weight gain throughout my life I often over eat meals which means I am eating more than I should during a day. Weight issues always get to me mentally and make it hard to keep being positive about the journey that I am.
The Start
Two years ago we started a journey to basically do a kind of detoxing on my body because of the food sensitivities I had. And we needed to clear my health and start helping me feel better. During that journey I lost a total of 35 pounds and started feeling so much better and my clothes started fitting better. It felt great to not only feel good but to look good too. It was great that clothes that used to be tight were now big and baggy on me.
Unfortunately in the last 6 to 9 months my weight has started to fluctuate more and it’s more quickly going backup again. And that is also making it hard to keep it off. This becomes a mental struggle because it’s intimidating to watch the scale go back up because I’ve worked so hard to get it to go down that I don’t want to see it go backup. I don’t wanna be at that weight that I used to be at.
Lately I’ve been trying so hard to figure out how to get the scale to go back down and that number to be lower. I have kind of lost focus on what I should really be working towards and what to be focusing on with my weight and health. Maybe the number should be lower but ultimately I should be focusing on being healthy, strong and feeling good but also ultimately just making sure I’m not unhealthy for the future. Mentally it’s time for change In slowly trying new things but what doing what’s best for my body so that it feels good and I can feel amazing that way.
This is always so hard though. It’s always a mental game of remembering your why and remembering why exactly you are doing this for the right reasons. Not to just lose weight to certain number or be skinny. But to be healthy, feel good and to heal my body from the past issues in health struggles that I have had. This is not going to be easy going forward. And there are going to be days that are hard and mentally a huge struggle. But it’s important to have a good support system and to always keep focusing on the important things about just being healthy and strong.
If you need any help or support with weight issues or in a health journey please email me at and I can help you. Also come join our women’s only group on Facebook: MelissaLee’s Goddesses and we will support you there as well.

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